Act 1 Veronica is a young teenage girl in middle school when she first heard about the virus. The virus seemed so unthreatening during the early years. Veronica and her friends thought they would just start spring break a week early. Oh, how wrong they were. Weeks turns to months and months into years till Veronica was starting her freshman year of highschool. Highschool is an odd experience. Hormones are high, feeling get hurt, drama ensues, grades rise, and grades drop. However, Veronicas freshman year isn’t the usual deal people sign. Physical contact with teachers, students, and the whole world really is at a zero. No mingling, no new relationships, no contact, nada. Which entails no sports, field trips, or anything that makes highschool worthwhile. Instead, Veronicas entire highschool experience is on a tiny sliver device called a laptop. Fun. Actually, not fun cause Veronicas Anxiety is munching up her social butterfly like a five-year-old and a box of chocolates. The press...