Sam Smith Music Video Refection
The music video how do you sleep by Sam Smith deals with the concepts of relationship troubles, heartache, deceit, and shame; each camera angle and dance movement convey these ideas and values. You can always see Sam Smith’s eyes, and it is almost like Mx. Smith is singing to you. There are lots of touching movements that showcase a romantic relationship or feeling trapped in said relationship. The shot where the different color changes where the dancers look could mean the other emotions or sides of a person are shown. Each part of the video is thought out to show the turmoil this relationship had on Sam Smith. The dance moves were used to show the heartbroken person feeling both free and trapped while dancing. Even while carrying the weight of a broken relationship, you can tell with each movement felt more and more freeing.
Furthermore, there are eight settings in the video, each with its significance. You can interpret Sam feeling numb or doubt the significant other in the first scene; Sam is staring straight through objects. When Sam is dragged into the next setting, this further proves my interpretation. Smith is then alone in the next scene going through an internal turmoil with Sam’s accusations against the significant other, soon getting to a point where they are looking through their partner’s phone. Next scene, Sam is in the middle of the dancers feeling crazy and ashamed that they would go to that length to the point of invading the partner’s privacy for Sam’s peace of mind. To which Sam never got. The cage in the next scene could represent feeling trapped in the relationship; there was no trust, deceit, and heartache, making the relationship unbearable. The photoshoot shows how Sam was at work; the mind was somehow different even in a work setting; it was fixated on the relationship. Next was a box the looked like a makeshift apartment. A mannequin in the bed represented Sam’s partner. It explains how it felt being with the partner. Sam was walking back and forth, showing how it felt uncomfortable, and there was constant anxiety. The final set had a pinkish background compared to the other black and white background; it felt like Sam was starting to accept the relationship as no more. Smith was beginning to see that they needed to leave the relationship.
I believe Gender norms are being pushed in the video. Men are using dance moves that are seen as feminine. Males only appear in the video, so that could point towards a nongender norm relationship the song is about. Butler’s theory relates to Sam Smith's, how do you sleep at night music video by having a series of effects with each movement, beat, and lyric. The moves would give feminine vibes if you compare it to ‘normal’ gender roles, the lyrics ring of heartache for a possible nongender norm relationship, and the beat represents a heartbeat.
The music video's last scene continues to evolve the storyline of a person posing for society, feeling that they must confine into gender norms and them breaking from this false persona. The character in the story was finally growing to accept themselves for who they are. They faced their own emotions and the opinions of others. This idea is interpreted in the scene of flashing colors, which represented emotions and opinions, while the dancers face different directions. This growing acceptance was even shown in the character's choreography and facial expressions, which brings us to the next topic: the scene also showcases freedom. Freedom to express oneself in any way they please. Wither that be with makeup, fashion, dance, or sports. Individuals should be allowed to express their true selves comfortably. By accepting oneselves, they can express their emotions freely without feeling that they are wrong for doing so. These feelings of wrong come from society's ideas of gender norms and how these genders should present themselves. This led the character in the story to pose for society in the first place. All these attributes of the video relate to the gender performativity theory because the character in the story helps prove the theory. While biologically, the character is male, they feel happier doing things that society would label is for females. Proving that society's genders do not exist.
In conclusion, Sam Smith’s music video had many values about deceit, shame, and relationship issues. Each frame, dance move, and lyric used in the video contributing to these ideals. Sam Smith’s video proves Judith Butler’s theory. The ‘feminine’ movements and ‘masculine’ figures shown in the video shows how gender isn’t a fact. Gender is a performance; it is how someone presents themselves.
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