Brainstorming process and inspirations

 I chose the idea of a girl dealing with anxiety for my film opener, 'My Monster Anxiety', because it's a topic I relate to greatly. Veronica Claw is another version of me; she tells my story of how I dealt with the Covid-19 pandemic and many stressors that led to my declining mental health. During the brainstorming process, I had a project for Hallandale Highschools Drama club. We had to write and perform a monologue of an issue we had to deal with and how the experience had transformed us.  We had the pleasure of speaking to the creator, LeLand Grant, of a one-man play called Rhapsody in Black, which inspired the project. Rhapsody in Black was about his experience with Racism and how it had shaped him as a person. I took lots of inspiration from LeLands' show and the monologue I created during the project when choosing an idea for my film opener. 

Link to Monologue Monster by Shaylyn Lyons


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